Junior Orsi Academy

Human-Robotic Interaction

On 7/10/21, Junior Orsi held their first workshop of the Engineering Track. Because robots are becoming more common in various applications, humans and robots will have to work together more closely than ever before. During this workshop, we focused on robots used in Healthcare, such as social robots and rehabilitation robots.

Due to COVID-19, the capacity of the event was limited to 20 students. Because of the smaller group, the discussions at the end were interesting and vivid. Privacy concerns, the future of robots in our society and social advantages/ disadvantages are some examples of the topics discussed.

For this workshop, we welcomed two speakers. The first speaker was prof. Vanderborght (VUB) who talked about his research into exoskeletons, the book homo-roboticus and some ethical concerns. He was followed by prof. Belpaeme (UGent), who explained the latest developments and findings on Care Robots. To end the evening with an introduction of the Da Vinci Robots.

We would like to thank both speakers for their inspiring lecture and ORSI Academy for their support.

Likewise, we would like to thank all participants for their enthusiasm and their willingness to follow all COVID-measures.

The engineering team:

Let us know what you'd like to talk about.